Covid-19 Vaccine’s Test for Success
The release of the vaccine may potentially help the world
As of recently, the Covid-19 vaccine has been officially released to the public after a long wait.
According to, “beginning Friday, Feb. 12, Floridians will have access to additional covid-19 vaccines at 755 pharmacy locations across 52 counties.”
It has been in the testing stage for months and has finally been given out to the general public.
It is also getting monitored thoroughly for side effects and it’s only being given to people that meet the specific requirements.
According to the Marion County Department of Health, the covid vaccine is prioritized for long-term care facility’s staff, frontline workers, individuals age 65 or older, and highly vulnerable individuals.
These vaccines are limited in selected locations and pharmacists and pharmacy technicians are being train on how to safety vaccinate their patients.
With CF, according to Dr. Henningsen, “CF would cooperate with the Health Department to be a vaccination site as necessary.”
“We have encouraged our faculty and staff who are eligible to be vaccinated, but we do not tract that information,” said Henningsen, regarding CF faculty and staff on being vaccinated.
According to updates about the vaccine from a pharmacy that has it, Walgreens, even after a patient gets the vaccine, they should still try to maintain safety measures.
It is possible that even after the vaccine, someone can still get covid-19. That’s why many doctors still recommend to keep following CDC guidelines for safety purposes.
Safety measures are still needed for if any of the vaccines have side effects that doctors don’t know about yet.
Also, the CDC had said “Covid-19 vaccination works by teaching your immune system how to recognize and fight the virus that causes Covid-19.”
“Clinical trials of all vaccines must first show they are safe and effective before any vaccine can be authorized or approved for use, including COVID-19 vaccines,” said the CDC.
As the vaccine continues to be used, Doctors and pharmacists are testing the effects for any negative effects and are making sure their patients are protected.
From what I’ve seen, people have thought of the vaccine as something that would prevent the virus completely. Some doctors would say otherwise.
If eligible, it’s recommended by many doctors to get the vaccine. It’s a way to help control and put a stop to this virus.
This vaccine will help keep everyone safe and it can prevent many terrible, life-threatening outcomes that may affect you, many loved one and people you’re surrounded by.
“COVID-19 vaccination will help protect you by creating an antibody (immune system) response without having to experience sickness,” said the CDC.
“Covid-19 vaccinations are a critical resource to preventing the further spread of the virus and allowing Floridians to return to the normal pace of life,” said
Hey everyone! My name is Lauren Gillyard and I'm 20 years old. I'm currently starting my second year at CF, after graduating from Vanguard High School....