Internet access at CF
Good parking lot locations with the best/worst WiFi service across the Ocala Campus
Do you have internet access at home? If you don’t, CF has extended its Wi-Fi out into the parking lots. CF has announced that until further notice, all buildings are closed, but students are still allowed on campus.
As of Tuesday, April 29, 2020, I drove around each parking lot and tracked what I believe the rating for the internet connection was in each parking lot at the Ocala campus. I stayed at each parking lot for about 20 minutes of testing if the Wi-Fi would stay connected.
Most parking lots had almost perfect Wi-Fi while some had none at all. Few parking lots didn’t have Wi-Fi reaching the farther spots, meaning it only connected to the closest 10-15 parking spots to the buildings.
If multiple people are working together in a parking lot, I would recommend following the CDC guidelines for social distancing. These guidelines are to stay at least six feet apart (about two arms’ length) from other people, do not gather in groups, and to stay out of crowded places.
Social distancing is a way to help limit contact with individuals carrying COVID-19. “Everyone has a role to play in slowing the spread and protecting themselves, their family, and their community,” said the CDC on their social distancing webpage.
Every student should try their best to avoid any unnecessary physical contact with others. With the COVID-19 evolving, it’s best to ensure everyone’s safety from others that could be carrying the virus.
Hey everyone! My name is Lauren Gillyard and I'm 20 years old. I'm currently starting my second year at CF, after graduating from Vanguard High School....