International Education Weeks has come to an end


As of recent years, CF Student Life, and the CF International Club had a successful movie night at the Ocala campus, in building 8, Room 110 this past Friday night, November 19th.

The film Mulan, itself, was focused on the devotion of her family, female empowerment, and self-acceptance.

Realness and Chinese traditions were the most highlighted topics in the movie. “Loyal, Brave, and True” were Mulan’s virtues, as well as fighting for her nation.

Rod Rodriguez, International Student Advisor, was asked about who came up with the idea of choosing the Mulan movie.

We do this Movie night every year,” Rodriguez said. “As part of the CF International Club, we all chose Mulan because it is fun and different.”

It was not the first time Student Life and CF International Club worked together. These clubs both offer a variety of opportunities to connect and engage with students on campus.

Marjorie McGee, Director of the Student Life at CF, was asked how she feels seeing students enjoy events like these and working with CF International Club.

Just really proud to see everyone coming out following an unpredictable year with Covid-19,” McGee said. “It is our role to work with all of our Student Clubs, and International Club is always active.”

The International Education week featured a different event each day, Nov.15-19, as International Education weekday 1, and more.

First year Student, Mariangel Montana, 20, shared that her favorite part of the clubs and events were the people she gets to meet.

I really like being part of events like these, they are fun, educational, and I have the opportunity to meet other people.” Montana said.

The movie night offered free food that included: pizza, chips, and sodas so that students could have a pleasant experience while watching the movie.

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Just COME to events on campus,” McGee said. “You don’t know what you are missing until you’ve experienced it.”

Even though face masks weren’t required for this event, some students chose to wear them. Students also were able to seat themselves for the movie

As we all know Educational Week is always celebrated the week prior to the week of Thanksgiving, and the main goal is being able to celebrate the achievements the educational system has.

During these events you get distracted by the entertainment and it just proves that clubs make you have a good time by yourself or even with friends.

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                                                                                                                        (Table with some snacks for the movie.)