Life during and after Quarantine: Dreaming of a better tomorrow

A humorous look into how my life has changed

This was probably one of the hardest columns to write in my opinion, with so much sadness and bad news going on in the world surrounding Covid-19. 

A friend told me to look at the positives. At first, I couldn’t find anything positive to write about,  but then another friend told me to think about life during quarantine and I thought that was pretty humorous and relatable. 

What is life during quarantine? Everyone is going through it. When will this all end? When will things be normal again? 

Nobody knows, but what we do know is there is a medium everyone is trying to get to. But what we can look forward to is businesses and restaurants being open again. 

What have I been doing during this quarantine? Absolutely not. a. thing. Nothing has changed for me. I got all of my wisdom teeth out recently so that put a damper on my parade.

Other than that, I just sit in my room almost 24/7, play video games, watch Netflix and Disney+, which I highly recommend right now, and sit on my phone for hours on end watching Tik Toks. I finally gave in and downloaded it and I regret it. 

Tik Tok has consumed my life and not in a bad way either. The amount of times my friend has tried to get me to do a new dance with her is outrageous.

College work hasn’t changed much. I still procrastinate about my homework and panic and do it at the last minute. One thing is for sure, I give my professors a huge round of applause for adapting to this huge new change. 

Transitioning from going to college every Monday and Wednesday, to not going at all and having all of my classes moved to online is a huge headache. 

I think I speak for the rest of the class of 2020 when I say that this sucks. The thing I was looking forward to the most was graduation. Now we won’t even have the chance to walk across the stage. 

I’m so used to waking up and my mom leaving for work, but now I wake up and she’s standing next to my bed waiting for me to wake up like a crazy person. Our rooms are right across the hall from each other, so she has her desk set up and answering phone calls left and right. Meanwhile, I don’t wake up until 10 a.m.

What I’m looking forward to the most is seeing my friends again. Don’t get me wrong, I love my family, but being in a house with them under quarantine for the past four weeks has really put a toll on me. I’m going crazy in this house. With my mom working from home, and me being home from college and not working, life has changed drastically. 

When all of this is over, I don’t know what I want to do first because there are so many options. Traveling to visit family would be up there. During times like these, it’s important to see family as much as you can. 

Quarantine has really changed my mindset on life. It’s shown me to never take things for granted. You know, I’m actually starting to miss Florida traffic. 

Driving around town isn’t the same anymore without the crazy belligerent drivers and slow people in the fast lane. It seems like when I’m driving, it’s just me and a few other cars on the road.

All in all, it’s important to stay safe during these times. Me fantasizing about when this will end gives me hope that we’ll be okay. It’s hard to find humor in a situation like this, but I hope this column shows that there is still light at the end of the tunnel.